Need to take the deposition in a foreign country? Struggling with how much it is going to cost with your travel expenses, meeting room cost, stenographer fees, and numerous other expenses? Worry no more as we can handle your foreign deposition timely and at a reasonable rate - we take care of everything for you including process service, meeting location, court reporter, and everything else!
Our licensed professionals are available to manage the administrative work for your deposition. Once you schedule a deposition, leave every detail to us. With proactive communication, reminders, and dates synced with your calendar, using us is like having a dedicated digital assistant by your side.
By eliminating time spent traveling to in-person depositions, attorneys can schedule more depositions in one day–or even one sitting. After all, your time is too valuable traveling on a plane, hiring an interpreter, flagging a taxi, and everything that goes with foreign travel.
Because we deliver an immediate rough draft, attorneys can get started with case work ASAP instead of waiting days to track down a transcript.
The platform used to facilitate the encrypted transfer and transcription of recorded media and documents by utilizing AES-256 bit Encryption, FIPS compliant servers, and stringent chain of custody tracking make the process efficient and safe.
We comply with all federal, state, and foreign laws and the transcripts are legally admissible in court. We are used by law firms around the world in civil and criminal cases.
Ready to see how we’re digitizing and revolutionizing depositions? Contact us today via email or phone at [email protected] or 800-417-7623.